Bianca Dusic

bWithin is founded upon my belief that we each hold the power to change with the proper support, tools, and guidance. With certifications in Hypnotherapy, Emotional Freedom Technique, Past-Life Regression Therapy, Integrative Nutrition, and Breathwork, my work as a health and wellness practitioner embodies a holistic approach that works to heal the body, mind and spirit, using natural means. 

Coupled with intuitive gifts, as well as my study of various practices including Theta Healing, Meditation, Reiki, Tarot and Yoga, bWithin employs a selection of healing modalities curated for each individual experience. The aim of this work is to calm the nervous system and to release limiting beliefs, anxiety, fear, grief and past traumas stuck in the subconscious mind and body, and to support true, lasting mind-body integration.  

Our power is our ability to change the stories rooted in our subconscious minds. My strength is in guiding others toward harmony between mind, body and spirit. It is my great passion to provide these tools, and help create a space in which to embrace self-love, peace, abundance and joy, to discover and empower your true self, starting from within. 

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