Breath Focused Flow

Aired -

Kathryn Budig

Kathryn Budig (she/her) is an internationally celebrated yoga teacher, author, ...
Various breath techniques are woven into this well-rounded flow to help you shake off distractions. Breathing styles and posture will range from fiery and brisk to cooling and calm. Come ready to connect with your breath so you can connect with yourself.

Level 1/2 with modfications
30 minutes
No props

Postures include: Seated pivots, plank to downdog, vinyasa, sun salutation A with child's pose, modified plank and chaturanga, hovering child's pose, sun salutation b with breath of fire, warrior ii with box breath, vinyasa variation, goddess with alternate nostril breathing, hip opener with breath work, seated forward fold with hissing breath, optional meditation or savasana.