But I Don't Wanna

Aired -

Kathryn Budig

Kathryn Budig (she/her) is an internationally celebrated yoga teacher, author, ...
How many times have you stared at your rolled up mat, knowing a practice will make you feel better but unable to get past the dominant emotion: BUT I DON’T WANNA.

Yup. You’re not alone. Go unroll that mat and let Kathryn take care of the rest. This feel-good flow will use bursts of Kundalini-inspired moves to stir up energy and enthusiasm, leaving you refreshed and ready to go back into your day.

Level 1/2
60 minutes
Props needed: 2 blocks

Postures include: face brushing, ego eradicator + breath of fire, sun salutation A, torso pivots with mantra, sun salutation B, Kundalini frogs, reclined gentle core, warrior ii + reverse warrior with archer variation, King Arthur on mat and at wall, supported bridge pose, hip openers, option to pick savasana or meditation.