Sun + Moon Flow

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Kathryn Budig

Kathryn Budig (she/her) is an internationally celebrated yoga teacher, author, ...
This practice effortlessly blends sun and moon salutations together into a graceful flow peppered with lunges, warriors, and twists. Wonderful for when you want to move and build heat without an excessive amount of vinyasa or chaturanga. 

From an emotional standpoint, use this class when you're trying to sever the ticker-tape of frustration or negative storytelling.

60 minutes
Level 2
Props: blocks, optional

Postures include: sukasana, seated twist and side bend, eagle arms, cat and cow, sun salutation A, moon salutations, low lunge, revolved low lunge, crescent, revolved crescent, warrior iii, revolved half fish, revolved half moon, shalambasana, bow pose, single or double pigeon, reclined twist, happy baby, savasana