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Mediterranean Buddha Bowl with Squeaky Cheese

Aired -

Kathryn Budig

Kathryn Budig (she/her) is an internationally celebrated yoga teacher, author, ...
Get hungry because Episode #10 of Hungry Phoenix is coming your way: Mediterranean Buddha Bowl with Squeaky Cheese!

This bowl is sacred in our household. My wife is always requesting quinoa-style buddha bowls, which consist of a quinoa base, some leafy greens, delicious veggies, beans, and whatever else inspires, all doused in a tasty sauce. The deep desire for something new along with a hankering for Greek food inspired me to whip this bowl together, but the true star of the show? SQUEAKY CHEESE. Trust me — this warm cheese that squeaks with every bite is a true indulgence. Opa!

Vegetarian/Vegan Friendly
16 minutes
Recipe, shopping list, + recommendations in attached PDFs
Produced by Dries Kento Vandenberg