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Persephone + Demeter

Aired -

Kathryn Budig

Kathryn Budig (she/her) is an internationally celebrated yoga teacher, author, ...
Learn the myth of Demeter (Greek goddess of the harvest), and how her daughter Persephone, goddess of springtime, became the Queen of the Underworld. Kathryn will transport this story into our bodies, taking us on an asana-filled quest to find our inner Persephone and embrace our duality.

Level 2/3 with ample modifications
75 mins
Props: 2 blocks, suggested strap

Postures include: sun salutation A, block hops, horse, humble horse, jump through on blocks, supine core work, chair, low lunge, diver, flamingo, scandasana, prasarita twist, tree, crescent, warrior, reverse warrior, side angle, triangle, straddle split, crow pose, boat and half boat with blocks, runner's lunge, splits, bird of paradise, eka pada bakasana ii, handstand pikes, camel variations, double pigeon or sukasana, bellows breath, savasana or seated meditation.

*This class is one of five classes included in our Taste of Magic bundle!*