New Moon Ritual & Practice: One Small Thing

Aired -

Kathryn Budig

Kathryn Budig (she/her) is an internationally celebrated yoga teacher, author, ...
We're keeping this month's new moon ritual simple, because sometimes all it takes to create a major shift is one small thing. Harnessing this dark moon energy, we'll plant the seed — both within ourselves and with our guides — to help stoke our confidence and ability to nurture ourselves. The ritual will include casting our circle, incantation, and candle magick, followed by ritualistic movement and meditation.

25 minutes
All Levels

Tools needed:
  • two white candles
  • matches or a lighter
  • sacred smoke (sage, palo santo, incense)
  • objects or statues of importance (optional) 
  • optional: symbols of fire (lit candle), water (bowl of water), air (incense, feather, sacred smoke), and earth (salt, rocks, crystals, plants)