Acceptance Meditation

Aired -

Kathryn Budig

Kathryn Budig (she/her) is an internationally celebrated yoga teacher, author, ...
In honor of our 2 year anniversary, we decided to take a look back at our most popular replays!

Many of you probably remember this meditation as the noteworthy meditation where our beloved Ashi the Destoyer knocked over the camera at the end of class (and yes, we've left that blooper in place for your enjoyment)! Filmed live almost two years ago to the day — during our very first month! — this "Acceptance" meditation is a mantra-driven meditation, which explores the concept of suffering and impermanence.

Bring a journal. Meditation is followed with five minutes of free-writing.

*Pre-recorded class - available in our
Replay Library on 8/28 @10am EDT*

Beginner friendly. All levels.
15 mins + 5 mins of free writing
Props: something to write with, optional cushion or blocks