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The Thunderbird

Aired -

Kathryn Budig

Kathryn Budig (she/her) is an internationally celebrated yoga teacher, author, ...
Hailed by indigenous Americas as the Great Protector or Destroyer, this massive mythological bird controls the weather — each flap of its wings brings the thunder while lightning shoots from its mouth and eyes. Join Kathryn on a physical storytelling journey about her favorite mythological creature as we move our bodies to the many interpretations to this majestic cryptid. 

Level 2-2/3
75 minutes
Props: 2 blocks

Postures include: pranayama, 1/2 sun salutation A variation on blocks, sun salutation A variation on blocks, balance work (flamingo, tree, uttitha hasta padangustasana A + B) on blocks, malasana, jump squats, mountain climbers, side plank variation, bird dog, knee-to-nose, warrior i, warrior ii, reverse warrior, side angle, half moon, seated half fish, crescent, warrior iii, revolved half moon, handstand drop to chaturanga, supported bridge work, seated hip opener, savasana.