Let's Dance 2.0

Aired -

Kathryn Budig

Kathryn Budig (she/her) is an internationally celebrated yoga teacher, author, ...
This is a condensed version of our popular Let's Dance hour-long class. Get all the same goodness but in 30 minutes: sassy sun salutations, sexy cobras, wild things, rockstars, and of course, flash dance! Be ready for 30 minutes of freedom, creative movement, and good old-fashioned fun!

Level 2
30 minutes
no props necessary

Sequence includes: pelvic rolls, cat and cow, downward facing dog waves, cobra rolls, sun salutations with dancing planks and downdog to hands, reclined core with wide straddles, lunge kick-throughs, low lunge with jazz hands, flip dog, rock star, malasana, one-arm bridge, diver, flamingo, standing twist. No savasana offered, just brief cool down.