The Inky Phoenix presents: ALL THE COLORS CAME OUT

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Kathryn Budig

Kathryn Budig (she/her) is an internationally celebrated yoga teacher, author, ...
Welcome to The Inky Phoenix Presents! Yoga classes inspired by Kathryn Budig’s book club selections.

This practice is inspired by Kathryn's wife Kate Fagan. ALL THE COLORS CAME OUT is Kate's gorgeous love letter to her father and his battle with ALS. Kathryn pulls from five of her favorite chapters, morphing the lessons into thoughtful yoga sequences that touch upon ritual and routine, valuing our teammates, commitment, surrender, and ultimately remembering we are inline with the universe.

Level 2 
45 minutes
props: two blocks and bolster, optional, wall space

Posture include: ritualistic unrolling of mat and vinyasa posture break-down, sun salutation A, boat and half boat, creative hops to warrior i, warrior ii, reverse warrior, side angle pose, handstand hops, reclined core, handstand, reclined supta baddha konasana on bolster and blocks.