Back in the Game: Week 2 "Feeling Niiiiice"

Kathryn Budig

Kathryn Budig (she/her) is an internationally celebrated yoga teacher, author, ...
Welcome to Week Two of Back in the Game!

This week we are feeling niiiiice and building confidence with an extra boost of core and shoulder strengthening. Traditional flow in sun salutations and vinyasa are back with plenty of modifications to ensure you're moving at the pace that suits you.

Recommendation: Do this class 3-5x this week.

Level 1/2
30 minutes
Props: suggested 2 blocks and a strap

Postures include: Dead bug, cat and cow with core variation, plank hold, cobra, standing forward fold with interlaced fingers, sun salutation A, modified boat pose, sun salutation B with low lunge and goal post arms, chair pose, warrior ii, reverse warrior, side angle pose, revolved chair, forearm plank, dolphin, camel, head-to-knee pose, baddha konasana, straight leg forward fold, single/double pigeon or thread-the-needle, savasana.