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Aired -

Kathryn Budig

Kathryn Budig (she/her) is an internationally celebrated yoga teacher, author, ...
Before Eve, there was Lilith: the rebellious first wife of Adam who refused to be submissive. Class opens by exploring the many iterations of this prolifically mythologized woman: temptress, demon, breeder of evil spirits, and possibly the OG feminist. We'll then move into a practice filled with rebellion, desire, flight, and liberation.

Level 2
75 minutes
props: 2 blocks

Postures include: reclined hip openers, cat and cow, cowface, knee-to-nose, rockstar transition to lunge, scandasana, hop switches, sun salutation A, curtsy squats, side kicks, reclined core, bridge work, warrior i, chair, kick and punches, low lunge, runner's lunge, flamingo, pistol squat, heron, kundalini frog, goddess variations, warrior retreat, wide legged seated fold, seated side bend, double pigeon, savasana.