Back in the Game: Week 3 "Oooh Spicy!"

Kathryn Budig

Kathryn Budig (she/her) is an internationally celebrated yoga teacher, author, ...
Welcome to Week Three of Back in the Game!

Things are starting to get a little spicy in here — vinyasa is back, along with full sun salutations, held standing poses, and dancing warriors. Modifications are offered at every turn, and child's pose can always turn into your definition of 'spicy' depending on your mood. Get ready to turn the heat up a notch because you're back in the game, baby!

Recommendation: Practice this class 3-5x per week. Don't be alarmed if the first go feels challenging! Keep at it and the ease will start to return by the end of the week. 

Level 2
40 minutes
Props: 1-2 blocks and a strap, suggested

Postures include: reclined spinal twist, gentle core, dead bug, cat and cow, standing forward bend with IT band release, sun salutation A, crescent lunge variations, simple twist, sun salutation B, humble warrior, warrior i, warrior ii, reverse warrior, side angle pose, standing splits, option to take handstand hops, dancing warriors, chair pose, revolved chair, revolved crescent, forearm plank, plank, dolphin, janu sirsasana A, flash dance, hip opener of choice, savasana.