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Kathryn Budig

Kathryn Budig (she/her) is an internationally celebrated yoga teacher, author, ...
Ever wonder where the saying, 'Don't fly too close to the sun' comes from? Or maybe you're a fan of Led Zeppelin and their famous logo. Listen to Kathryn's retelling and you'll start to see Icarus everywhere — the Greek son of the famed master craftsman, Daedalus, and his tragic battle between complacency and hubris. Come learn his tale and move your body in creative sun salutations, 'wing-span' openers, flying postures, and poses that are guaranteed to make you melt.

75 minutes
Level 2-2/3
Props: 2 blocks and a strap

Postures include: shoulder opening and side bending with strap, cat and cow, puppy dog, YWT work, sun salutation A with shoulder openers, revolved malasana, pikes, reclined core, elevated chair with wings, warrior i with goal post arms, lizard variations, eka pada koundinyasana, low lunge, crescent, warrior iii, standing splits, handstand hops to chaturanga, revolved crescent, flamingo, revolved big-toe pose, revolved half moon, firefly (titibhasana), tortoise (kurmasana), supported bridge, wide-legged fold, baddha konasana, savasana options to legs-up-the-wall or supported reclined baddha konasana.