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Kathryn Budig

Kathryn Budig (she/her) is an internationally celebrated yoga teacher, author, ...
Dracula may be one of the most iconic vampires of all time, but do you know what historical and literary figures inspired his tale? What themes dominate Bram Stoker's Victorian gothic, or even, the original story itself? Join Kathryn as she shares her most favorite tale, whisking you away into story and movement inspired by seductive monsters, the threat of female sexual expression, and pure madness.

75 minutes
Level 2
Props: optional blocks

Postures include: Sitkari pranayama, vinyasa warm up, moon salutations, camel, chair, crescent, reclined core, boat pose, cat and cow, bird-dog, bear walks, crow, malasana, warrior ii, goddesss, eagle arms, dancing monkey, turkish get-up, warrior iii, scandasana, headstand variation, gomukasana, legs-up-the-wall, savasana.