Full Spectrum Fitness (Kettlebells) w/ Gina Caputo

Gina Caputo

Gina Caputo (she/her) is a health coach and behavior change specialist with over 20 years experience in teaching Yoga worldwide. She's known for her realness and sense of humor a...
Haus of Phoenix welcomes Gina Caputo! Learn more about Gina in her Union bio and practice regularly with her on her website. Follow her on social.

You’re multi-faceted, so why shouldn’t your fitness be too??
It’s recommended that adults engage in 4 types of physical activity every week: cardio, strength training, neuromotor training and flexibility. Usually we tend to love one over the others but what if you could do all 4 in a single session?
Enter Full Spectrum Fitness! Gina created 2 versions of this fun practice, one that uses bodyweight only in the strength portion and the other for any of you with some kettlebell experience. Doing something new engages your mind in new and beneficial ways, give it a shot!
Kettlebells version: 
Level 2
60 minutes
Props: one moderate weight (for you) kettlebell