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Kali Ma

Aired -

Kathryn Budig

Kathryn Budig (she/her) is an internationally celebrated yoga teacher, author, ...
Brace yourself for the story of Kali Ma: the Hindu goddess of Change, Creation, Destruction and Power. This terrifying and often misunderstood goddess is complex; she cannot easily fit into the typical western narrative of good versus evil. This practice will flow and workshop through postures that embody Kali's destructive force and dynamic origin story. Be prepared to honor your darkness and let your power rise.

75 minutes
Level 2/3
Props: 2 blocks, optional wall space and strap

Postures include: seated meditation, kapalabhati pranayama, cat and cow, tiger, cat-bird, sun salutation with tiger variation, sun salutation B with Kali weapons variations, dolphin to chaturanga, side plank variations, warrior advance, warrior retreat, warrior ii, revolved lunge, goddess, crocodile, hip pivots, double pigeon, seated prep for foot-behind-the-head, reclined twist, savasana.