Back in the Game: Week 4 "And I'm Back in the Game!"

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Kathryn Budig

Kathryn Budig (she/her) is an internationally celebrated yoga teacher, author, ...
Welcome to Week Four of Back in the Game!

That's right, you can officially say it: AND I'M BACK IN THE GAME!

Time to take the past three weeks of work and combine them in this traditional class full of sun salutations, standing postures, dancing warriors, twists, core, backbends, and even a little optional time to get upside down! Just remember: this is a constant journey, so please continue to work at your own pace, modify when needed, and celebrate yourself as much as possible because YOU ARE BACK!

Recommendation: Do this class 3-5x this week.

Level 2/3
50 minutes
Props: suggested 2 blocks, a wall space, and a strap

Postures include: reclined twist, bicycle core, cat and cow, thread-the-needle, vinyasa, standing forward bend, sun salutation A, sun salutation B, side plank, humble warrior, eagle arms, accordion arms, warrior i, warrior ii, reverse warrior, side angle, handstand hops, dancing warrior, revolved crescent, revolved chair, forearm plank pivots, dolphin or forearm stand, camel, seated half fish, double pigeon or hip opener of choice, savasana.