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Kathryn Budig

Kathryn Budig (she/her) is an internationally celebrated yoga teacher, author, ...
Slip into the world of Gaelic myth and history as we explore the many faces of Brigid: Brigid, the Irish goddess of the hearth, inspiration, and forge. St. Brigid of Kildare, transformed from pagan roots into the patroness saint of Ireland. And finally, Maman Brigitte: the famed foul-mouthed death loa and healer of Haitian Vodou. Kathryn will share stories and associations from each, embodying them with an entertaining flow.

Level 2
75 minutes
Props: 2 blocks and a wall space

Postures include: sun salutation with low lunges, diver, crescent dips, sun salutation b on blocks with wild thing, warrior ii pivots, half moon, half fish rolls, straddles, flash dance, lizard with baby chaturangas, scandasana, chair exhales, knee-to-nose and squats, dancing warrior, handstand hops, single pigeon, shalambasana, handstand work at wall, cat and cow, jump through to sit on blocks, janu sirsasana a, seated thread the needle, double pigeon, savasana