The Divine Fool

Aired -

Kathryn Budig

Kathryn Budig (she/her) is an internationally celebrated yoga teacher, author, ...
The Fool is the most important card in the entire Tarot Deck. The Fool is the light in the darkness, questing for knowledge. The Fool both asks the questions and gives the answers to all the mysteries. This card represents new beginnings, adventure, challenges, and unplanned opportunity. Join Kathryn in this adventurous and core-focused class celebrating our inner Fool!

Level 1/2 - 2
45 minutes
Props: 2 blocks

Postures include: bridge with block, reclined twists, reclined revolved core, leg lowers and lifts, cat and cow, bird-dog, knee-to-nose, hip rotations, downward dog on blocks, plank, chaturanga, sun salutation A on blocks, boat on blocks, crescent, warrior ii, half moon (w/ blocks), balance variations of warrior iii, flamingo, upward facing big toe pose, dancer, window wipers, thread-the-needle.