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Kathryn Budig

Kathryn Budig (she/her) is an internationally celebrated yoga teacher, author, ...
We dive into the world of Korean mythology with the fearsome nine-tailed fox: the kumiho. The myth claims when a fox lives for a thousand years, it grows eight extra tails and the shapeshifting ability to disguise itself as a young women — who has an insatiable hunger for human livers. But all good, people — once it consumes 1,000 it can lose its evil ways and become a perfectly good human. Yipe.

Join Kathryn for vinyasa practice full of lore, thrashing tails, and the Tale of the Fox Sister.

75 minutes
Level 2
Props: 2 blocks, optional

Postures include: seated breathing, rib rolls, cat and cow, child's pose, sun salutation A, malasana, pikes, standing forward bends, 9-tailed entry to standing poses, prasaritta padottonasana variation, optional tripod headstand, warrior ii, reverse warrior, half-wrap side angle, triangle pose, half moon with half wrap, runner's lunge, optional splits, bird of paradise, navasana variations, squat hops, sumo, one-legged bridge or upward facing bow, hip opener of choice, savasana.