Block Party: Week 4 "Blockbuster Moves!"

Kathryn Budig

Kathryn Budig (she/her) is an internationally celebrated yoga teacher, author, ...
Welcome to Week 4 of the Block Party program!

Y’all made it! Our final practice is the perfect recipe for some sweaty and strength-building fun! Start with sneak-attack core and arm work in child's pose, build core strength in plank variations, then dance your way through a buoyant warrior and half moon flow. Keep the party bumping with some weighted handstand hops, followed by bridge work and release.

Featuring: Meg Gray Younger
45 minutes
props: medium-light circular resistance, 1lbs ankles weights, 2lbs hand weights, a block, a wall

Recommended Haus Block Party challenge: repeat this practice 2-5 times during the week before moving onto the next class in our program. This class is designed to be done with or without a resistance band, ankle and hand weights. Test drive the practice and adapt to your personal needs and intentions.