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Spicy Mazemen Noodles

Kathryn Budig

Kathryn Budig (she/her) is an internationally celebrated yoga teacher, author, ...
Time to eat up Hungry Phoenix Episode #6: Spicy Mazemen Noodles.

Like many teenagers in the 90s, I loved me some Instant Noodles. Fast-forward to this past holiday watching my 13 year-old nephew prepare his with envy. Except he had a unique twist: he DRAINED the water, and THEN added the packet of tastiness. Revolutionary! I was in awe.
Turns out, this "twist" is a classic Japanese dish called ‘mazemen’ which translates to ‘mixed noodles,’ where you lose the traditional broth used for ramen. Inspired, I came home, picked up my favorite ramen noodles, and went to town. The result? A fairly fast dinner that feels like a warm hug in a bowl.

Vegetarian/Vegan Friendly
12 minutes
Recipe, shopping list, + recommendations in attached PDFs
Filmed and produced by Dries Kento Vandenberg