Patience, Young Grasshopper

Aired -

Kathryn Budig

Kathryn Budig (she/her) is an internationally celebrated yoga teacher, author, ...
It's a twist! No, it's a hip opener! It's — GRASSHOPPER!

Grasshopper is a magnificent arm balance that involves deep external hip rotation while twisting to take flight. Join Kathryn in this workshop-style flow as we gather all the building blocks to create this mighty pose. Come curious — many modifications and variations of the pose will be offered.

Level 2-2/3
60 minutes
Props: 2 blocks

Postures include: reclined twist, thread-the-needle, seated side bend, forward fold and twist, plank pivots, revolved downward facing dog, knee-to-opposite arm work, sun salutation A with plank pivots, simple twist, revolved lunge, grasshopper modifications, malasana, malasana with twist or bind, revolved crescent, revolved chair, revolved chair with pigeon leg, single pigeon with twist, baby hopper, grasshopper with blocks, grasshopper, option to enter grasshopper from tripod headstand, happy baby, window wipers, bridge pose, breath work in savasana, seated meditation.