Back in the Game: Let's Begin (*New* Bonus Intro!)

Welcome to your *new* bonus class for Back in the Game!

Worried about getting back on your mat? Have no fear — this sweet 20 minute chaturanga-less practice will ease you back in while reminding you how good it feels to move. This practice helps to wake up your body, gently open, and strengthen, preparing you for Week 1 of Back in the Game. This can also be used anytime you want a quick burst of space and endorphins.

All Levels
20 minutes
Props: 2 blocks

Postures include: Qigong pivots, standing hip rolls, standing hamstring opener, tadasana with block, standing forward fold, lizard, low lunge with chest opener, runner's lunge, 1/2 sun salutation, sun salutation A modification, cat and cow, downward facing dog, child's pose, bear, paschimottonasana, baddha konasana, revolved half fish, seated meditation.