Full Moon Ritual & Practice: Snow Moon
Aired -
Kathryn Budig
Kathryn Budig (she/her) is an internationally celebrated yoga teacher, author, ...
February’s full moon is known as the Snow Moon: the world is still blanketed in snow, but change is coming and spring is on her way. Join your Haus Coven in a ritual examining patterns and habits we wish to release, trusting we can be safe even when we let go.
All levels
30 minutes
- Several ice cubes
- Small bowl
- Candle
- Matches or lighter
- Paper
- Pen
- Fire proof cauldron
- Tarot or oracle cards, optional
- Mediation cushion, optional
- Sacred smoke such as sage, palo santo, or incense
- Optional: symbols of fire (lit candle), water (bowl of water), air (incense, feather, sacred smoke), and earth (salt, rocks, crystals, plants)