Kathryn Budig

Kathryn Budig (she/her) is an internationally celebrated yoga teacher, author, publisher and editor-in-chief of Inky Phoenix Press, and co-host of the Webby Award nominated podcast, Free Cookies. Kathryn is known...


Sometimes you need to slow down to truly hear. We're leaving the vinyasa and flow behind for this heart-opening practice focused on longer holds of postures like half frog, anhatasana, revolved crescent, and tiger. Slow down and crack your heart open. Note: there is no vinyasa or flow in this class, but you will build heat.

Level 1/2
30 minutes
Props: 1 block, strap (Kathryn mentions a bolster but doesn't end up using it)

Postures include: anahatasana, cat and cow variations, thread-the-needle, revolved standing forward fold, elevated lunge, revolved low lunge or crescent, side angle, 1/2 frog, birddog, tiger, baddha konasana variation, no savasana.