Kathryn Budig

Kathryn Budig (she/her) is an internationally celebrated yoga teacher, author, publisher and editor-in-chief of Inky Phoenix Press, and co-host of the Webby Award nominated podcast, Free Cookies. Kathryn is known...


We're playing with the theme of JOY and PLAY, so prepare yourself to be the life of the party! Put your party pants on and dive into a practice filled with whimsical vinyasas and playful side-plank variations. Use this whenever you need to access power, find play, optimism, or a sense of beautiful largeness.

Level 2
30 minutes
Props: 2 blocks

Postures include: standing shake-out, vinyasa warm up, sun salutation A, camel variations, sun salutation A on blocks, side plank variations on blocks, jumping through to sit on blocks, reclined core work, warrior ii, wild thing, janu A, flashdance, modified camel, wide-legged fold with side bend, straight-leg forward fold, baddha konasana, seated twist, no savasana offered.