Kate Counts

Kate has been guiding movement in the wellness community for over a decade. Education has always been an important part in Kate’s life…from teaching elementary school for years to learning about the body and func...


Join the amazing Kate Counts for a live class!

“The greatest expression of rebellion is joy” - Joss Whedon

In a world that is constantly sucking us towards the darkness of despair and whispering, “You are powerless,” anchoring into our Joy can be an act of rebellion. When we trust in our joy, it overpowers that dark whisper with a loud ferocious belt of, “YOU ARE POWERFUL!" Joy is the deepest connection to our why. It reminds us to keep going even in the midst of struggle. In today's class, we will practice this Joyous Rebellion through movements that will make us sing, laugh and feel that deep seeded joy within each of us. The more we connect to the joy in our life, the more we trust our why. This 45 minute vinyasa class with include creative transitions that will help us seek joy even in the greatest challenges! 

All levels (ALL Welcome) 
45 minutes
Props: Water, Sweat Towel, Blocks if preferred.